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Salcombe bed space...

Started by Tim L (Guest), 05 Jul 2006, 12:36

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Tim L (Guest)

Anyone got a spare bed (or sofa) for Salcombe - looks like I might make it, work permitting.





I'll do you a deal. Do you need a crew? If so I'm going to be over in the Salcombe Estuary at my parents' place in Kingsbridge. I'm flying in on the 12th August with my daughter and staying until the 25th. It's only a few miles from Salcombe. Would a mattress on the living room floor and a bit of breakfast be ok for a spot of crewing?

Jim N3130.


Sorry Tim, have to take that back. Last minute reatives have just been booked in for this time. I'll see you at the club though, and good luck.


Tim L (Guest)

Cheer for that Jim, not to worry.  But still looking for bed space if anyone's got one?

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