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Messages - mark533

Boats / Re: N2562 Moontan
26 Mar 2007, 05:09
I am now the owner of this fine vessel.
As Paul Trevan is listed as the designer am I right to assume that she is a "Modified Whisper"?
Database since amended by NTOA - Designer: Phil Morrison.
Kean, that reminds me...... Sorry, will catch up with you at the weekend
I had this problem with another class forum, so first thing in the morning deleted the spam, it stopped after a month or so
There were a couple in the boat park at West Oxfordshire Sailing Club, but I am not sure how active they are.
[quote by=JimC (Guest) link=Blah.cgi?b=Cool,m=1159436561,s=13 date=1159491369]Grief guys, don't you think you're over-reacting? Everyone can't like the same shape boats...

[says the man who's currently sailing a bizarre knitting needle with a point at each end, presumably because the designer couldn't work out which way the boat should go...][/quote]

Well said Jim
 'bout right on the size of Chippenham, thanks for the plug
Would love to go, but unfortunately have other commitments, hope to make Henley though.
General National 12 chat / Re: Sails
29 Aug 2006, 01:45
As this seems to be a fairly common request, would it be possible to add a "gear wanted and for sale " section to the forum ?

Mark (who is also looking for a set ofsecondhand sails)
Sorry to hear of your problems Paul, and thanks for the advice given to me at Frensham, now have a Whisper (4 plank though !)
Kean,no need to be lonely there are two at Chippenham and one at Whitefriars
Matt, not at all, the more the merrier, The CVRDA is a very "inclusive" group and very welcoming
Am trying to convine 3141 to come along as well
Hi all, I am looking for an all glass Paper Dart..... Any one know of one, preferably                          M4 corridor/Thames valley area
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