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N427 Otterzell

Started by National 12 Webmaster, 12 Mar 2007, 05:43

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National 12 Webmaster

The life of N427 Otterzell.  Design: Uffa King, designed by: Uffa Fox in 1936
Original boat name: Pride of Naburn.
Old age & rotton wood - Bonfire Night 1971.  Boat name Otterzell since transferred to N3245.


Otterzell was acquired by Clifford Chadwick in or around 1950 and at that time she was called Pride of Naburn and owned by Commander Palms who founded Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club in 1938. 
She was in need of major refurbishment and over two years she was re-decked, had ribs replaced and planking repaired.  At the age of 7 or so I was allowed to crew and after a few years eventually managed to take over the helm from my father.  Sadly on one windy day my lady crew reported a problem as she had put her foot through the bottom of the boat!!  On closer inspection we found very significant rot and in the end had to admit defeat and add her to the Yeadon Sailing Club Bonfire of 1971.  The name was re-used in 1985 when Donald Acklam built me a new Crusader N3245.  Part of the original lives on in the form of the bow fitting which was made into a trophy appropriatley called the 427 Trophy.  Yeadon and Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Clubs sailed an end of season team race for many years although not recently.  Hopefully this may be resurected one day as the trophy currently resides with Yorkshire Ouse and needs to won back I feel.
Howard Chadwick with fond memories of wet feet.8)

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