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Messages - James Taylor

Boats / Re: N3304 More Hocus Pocus
14 Apr 2008, 09:35
More Hocus Pocus 3304 now sold to Chard in Somerset.
More Hocus Pocus N3304   Has now been sold and has gone to Chard in Somerset have pointed him towards BCYC he hopes to be moving to that area
General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol?
07 Apr 2008, 11:47
Yep great day apart from the Blizzards  Tim nice wipe out though, hope you helped  youre crew to get the boat back up for  the second time that day.:o:o
N3304 Not sold and looking for a good home
General National 12 chat / Re: Bristol?
01 Apr 2008, 09:06
Hopefully coming up on Sunday for the open and was not sure if there is any thing going to be happening on Saturday Evening as we were think of coming up Saturday afternoon if there is.
James And Emma
N3304 Up For Sale and needing a home.
Boats / Re: N3402 Epilogue
27 Mar 2008, 09:39
Some Picture Taken May 07 of Ems and Me
Boats / Re: N3304 More Hocus Pocus
27 Mar 2008, 09:30
Some More Pictures Of More Hocus Pocus
Quoted From the Merlin Rocket Forum.

As ever the Merlins attracted a lot of interest and I continued to be told by visitors that along with the N12s it is the boat they most want to see.

Myself while Looking at the Merlin Stand overheard the same and the guy's comment was how difficult it was to get a second hand N12 and the Merlin's are have the same Problem at this time.
Sam the DVD looked really good. Sorry that me and Ems didn't have time to help on the stand, last minute disided to come up and only there for three hours and we had to get home.
Hope to see you all at bristol.;D;D
James And Emma
N3304 Up For Sale (please, She is going on ebay at the end of the week)
Pure Genious, Ah that was the Name of my vintage Merlin Rocket Painted in Black with the top plank painted white.;D;D
N3304 Up For SALE
Ex Merlin Rocket 2293
Thanks Mike thought that might be the case.
Afternoon All

I am in the process off sanding of the paint from a Stanley Thomas foil that I got with N3402 does anyone know where I can get a small amount of Epoxy Hi-Build as there is that much paint there are some low spots.

Also any Ideas which is the best paint to paint it with was may be thinking about getting it sprayed and then rubbing down to a very fine wet and dry and then a polish.

Ideas greatly received. ;D

N3304 (Up For Sale)
Thats a difficult one to answer there are lots of factors to consider as well as cut, Last year we brought two complete Suits of Sails from Alverbanks part of my disision was how long I want them to last. i got a really really good deal with Kevin and the back up from him has been brill, We had a lot of problems with rig set up .I.E. taken most of the year not sure we are all the way there yet but we are on our way. ;D ;D
Boing  ;D ;D
Hi All

Please sign the Petition  and let multihull sailors compete in the Olympics and not boaring Keelboats.
I have a friend that has just been told by the RYA that they could have funding for a chance for 2012 and after Fridays Decision has been told that they can have six months. He is now not sure what to do with his sailing Career.

Please Sign

James & Emma
3304 Up For Sale
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