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Redesmere open meeting

Eleven 12s took to water this weekend for fourth open in Midland’s Area Series at Redesmere Sailing Club including 4 vintage boats in fleet. A good sourly wind with incessant gusts gave fleet exciting racing all day on a course littered with gybes and surrounded by trees!
Race 1 - Dave Peacock and Tricia Wood having only landed at Manchester airport from a holiday in Cyprus two hours before meeting, decided to practise a full capsize drill even before start. When race got under way Paul Turner and Debi Gibson got off to a stomping start pulling out a leg on fleet by end of first beat. Dave Peacock and Tricia Wood and Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson, in chasing pair of boats, were quickly caught by end of second leg by Christian Day and Sophie Richards who proceeded to catch Paul and Debi over next lap and by end of second beat took lead. Paul, now in second position and suffering from a broken tiller extension with Debi hiking for her life, continued to hold off Dave and Tricia, but couldn’t stop ir new Paradigm 2 eventually overtaking. Dave quickly caught up Chris and Sophie and seized opportunity to take lead when gusts got better of m, with Stumpy capsizing at end of beat. Dave and Tricia went on to win first race, with Chris and Sophie (bailing frantically) taking second with Paul and Debi close behind in third. Furr down fleet Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson took 4th ahead of locals Alan Mason and Tim Lowe and Loudons who had travelled up from West Oxfordshire.
Race 2 - Chris and Sophie made most of ir local Redesmere knowledge to take lead early on. Paul and Debi were hot on ir heels, holding ir own in vintage fleet, y were followed by Dave and Tricia. 2009 Paradigm 2 v. 1970 China Doll battle continued with Paul and Debi twice finding a way past only to eventually lose out to Paradigm’s superior offwind planing performance. As wind conditions lightened Dave and Tricia began to reel Baggy Trousers in, but Chris and Sophie held on to lead, with Dave coming in second and Paul third. youth team of Tom White and Maria Gidley from Olton Mere pulled through fleet to take 4th after Brian and Ros capsized, while Loudons recovered from ir own capsize more quickly in ir self-draining Big Issue 2 to take 5th.
Race 3 - A calming wind ensued for final race of day with fleet all getting off to a good start. Dave Peacock, took lead after first beat only to be caught by Christian Day at beginning of third leg and later by Paul Turner and Chris Troth and Laura Humphrey in second Olton Mere youth boat. However, In lighter winds Chris struggled to hold off Dave and was taken on penultimate beat. Dave kept first, with Christian second and Paul third, also winning vintage fleet. Chris and Laura took a creditable 4th place to secure youth prize. Meanwhile Paul and Debi were so overjoyed with ir vintage victory and decided to take a flying run coming in – capsizing right on to jetty. Apparently board was jammed with jib sheet and this was only solution!
1st N3524 Dave Peacock and Tricia Wood (Trent Valley SC)
2nd (and 1st AC) N3377 Chris Day and Sophie Richards (Redesmere SC)
3rd (and 1st Vintage) N2487 Paul Turner and Debi Gibson (Trent Valley SC)
1st Youth N3412 Chris Troth and Laura Humphrey (Olton Mere SC)
Quote from Paul Turner Midland Area NTOA rep - “After a number of years absence it’s great to welcome Redesmere back onto N12 Open meeting circuit; a big “thank you” to Alan Mason and Christian Day for all ir hard work and to rest of crew at RSC for superb organisation, catering and hospitality. It was also good to see such a strong turnout from Olton Mere (4 boats) and Trent Valley (3). final two MAAT meetings are on Saturday 12th September at OMSC (with a social in evening) and at TVSC day after. Please note that Trent Valley meeting is MAAT and Vintage. re will be separate races for DBs/ACs and Vintage/4 plankers; both series of races will count towards MAAT – i.e. re will be two firsts etc to count for series. results so far are posted elsewhere but scores are very close. Although Gerald Copsey is leading Dave Peacock has two firsts and is planning to sail at TVSC.

And it would be remiss of me (Chadders would never forgive me) not to mention that next Vintage meetings are on Saturday 5th September at Derwent, TVSC as above on 13th and final fun weekend is at Ripon and Yeadon 10/11th October.”




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