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Naburn Paddle open meeting


Yorkshire Ouse Sailing Club hosted ir longstanding Open over weekend of 5th & 6th June and as fleet of mostly vintage 12s arrived, usual light, early June conditions, loved by some, load by ors were surprisingly missing. Instead a brisk gusty wind promised exciting sailing in tight river situation.


OD for Race 1, with its 4pm Saturday afternoon start time, had set a long course, up to old railway swing bridge before a long run down to Lock. Immediately Philip and Helen David (making a welcome return to front of N2545 “Little Meg”) established a lead y never lost, stretching it to several hundred yards by finish, demonstrating ir mastery of blustery river conditions. Past winner of “Paddle”, Bernard Clark, crewed by daughter Ellie were a distant second with rest of fleet well spaced by finish.


usual YOSC summer barbecue followed but balmy conditions of previous years was missing, replaced by a chill that had most retreating into snug of Clubhouse lounge. yarns and excuses went on well into night with many former 12 sailors joining for a great social.




Sunday morning dawned bright but still blustery when first of 2 back to back races got underway. Again Davids were quickly leading fleet and although not by such a margin were comfortable winners. Notable was very welcome return of Brian Miatt, crewed by his longstanding former crew Margaret Overend in N2589 “Mary Deare”. Sailing very competitively y were a strong 5th, showing Brian had lost none of his competitive edge. At back of fleet, Ian Purkis, crewed by Emily Overend (+ ors) in her first ever competitive sail, progressed up fleet, first passing capsized Brian Herring and Ros Stevenson, before catching and passing Paul Turner and Christine Marshall, “Starfish N2020 ” apparently securely anchored in a hole upstream from lock. After a brief tacking battle, Paul re-established normal order, but it was a great introduction to best of Vintage National 12 sailing for enthusiastic Emily.


Race 3 was anor David win, again followed by Clark crew, before a fine lunch courtesy of YOSC Enterprise and Handicap fleets.


YOSC  Davids

For final race, not even combined efforts of or YOSC regulars could catch Philip and Helen, making it a clean sweep with everyone else left in ir wake. Popular winners as always, with words of encouragement and advice for less expert, y collected “ Paddle”, before packing up with this special trophy now in its 6th decade.






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