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Gill series #4 and Summer Event at Leigh & Lowton


re was a turnout of 20 boats for 4th event of Gill series held at Leigh and Lowton SC. Unfortunately forecast of light winds over weekend turned out to be accurate. Despite this fleet enjoyed some very close and competitive racing with three fleet races on Saturday and a pursuit race and final fleet race on Sunday.
In race 1 Andy McKee and Clare Hunter made best of shift up first beat taking early lead, followed by Steve and Joanne Sallis. On offwind legs Steve and Joanne pulled through to take lead, which y held to finish. Andy and Clare held second and Graham Camm and Zoe Ballantyne recovered well after getting on wrong side of first beat to take 3rd.
 crowded start
In race 2 it was again Andy and Clare who got first beat right, leading at windward mark. chase was led by Andy Bayliss and Vicky Woods and with se 2 boats breaking clear of fleet it looked like a 2 boat race, but Graham and Zoe closed in on leaders with 3 boats rounding last mark virtually overlapped. Andy and Vicky managed to break through cover on final short leg to finish to take race from Andy and Clare with Graham and Zoe taking anor 3rd.
Race 3 saw Gavin and Sabrina Willis take early lead from Steve and Joanne with Graham and Zoe in hot pursuit. Graham and Zoe used ir downwind speed to get an inside overlap and pass Steve and Joanne to take second and n repeated manoeuvre on next lap to take lead from Gavin and Sabrina. Steve and Joanne n copied move on final lap to pass Gavin and Sabrina, while at same time just holding off Andy and Vicky.
On Saturday evening fleet enjoyed warm wear with drinks on lawn until barbecue was fired up, at which point it inevitably began to rain. Fortunately this freshened up oppressive heat and wasn’t enough to dampen spirits of campers.
On Sunday morning a pursuit race was held with handicaps based on age of boats, meaning oldest vintage boats started some 10 minutes ahead of latest double bottom designs. Alan Mason & Mary Young in N1607, a 51 year old Procter Mk 4A sailed particularly well in pursuit race with ir best performance of weekend to finish clear winners but only by a small margin!  accuracy of handicapping system resulted in almost all fleet finishing within minutes, Gareth Williams and Katie Hughes from home club sailing N3162 Bicycle Clips moved up to 2nd on last leg followed by Howard Chadwick and Helen Nicholson in a 43 year old Starfish and a pack of double bottomed boats led by Graham Camm and Zoe Ballantyne only a few yards behind.  pursuit race has now become an annual event adding greatly to fun of summer regatta.


winning boat: N1607
 Alan mason N1607
In race 4 it was all to play for with any of leading 4 boats able to take meeting. Steve and Joanne picked right shifts up first beat to take lead closely followed by Graham and Zoe. Down next reach Graham and Zoe again found enough speed to get inside overlap and take lead which y never relinquished. Steve and Joanne looked safe in second until final full beat when y sailed into a hole in wind allowing first Andy and Vicky and n Andy and Clare through. Steve and Joanne fought back on final set of downwind legs snatching back 3rd place back from Andy and Clare just before final mark rounding.
Overall Results

1st     N3492          Graham Camm and Zoe Ballantyne   Burghfield SC         
2nd    N3436          Steve and Joanne Sallis                 Hykeham SC         
3rd     N3481          Andy Bayliss and Vicky Woods        Hykeham SC        
4th     N3466          Andy McKee and Clare Hunter        Burghfield SC         
1st AC N3162 Gareth Williams and Katie Hughes      Leigh & Lowton SC.
1st Vintage N2266 Howard Chadwick and Helen Nicholson Yeadon SC.


Photos courtesy of Kevan Bloor



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