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GILL Series 1: Burghfield


National 12 Gill Series 2009 kicks off at Burghfield 28th March


2009 Gill Series got off to a flying start with 29 boats and a blustery wind, which kept everyone on ir toes. Gavin & Sabrina Willis showed way up first beat but Jon Ibbotson & Char Stewart showed blistering form and took first race after 2 laps jousting with Antony & Jo Gifford. Tom Stewart & Liz Ross led off start line in race 2 however y rounded second windward mark wrong way giving lead to Graham Camm & Zoë Ballantyne.


National 12s at Burhgfield Giffords leapt into second and kept pressure on Graham & Zoë but couldn’t snatch lead. Giffords took an early lead in final race and a fight ensued with Tom & Liz and Graham & Zoë. Tom & Liz took lead on second lap and held on until 20 metres from finish when an unexpected shift sent m for a swim. Graham & Zoë overhauled Giffords on final reach and almost followed Tom & Liz for a swim, a swift rescue allowed m to take final race and win meeting.


Overall results


1st Graham Camm & Zoë Ballantyne

2nd Antony & Jo Gifford

3rd Jon Ibbotson & Char Stewart


1st Family – Gavin & Sabrina Willis


1st Admiral’s cup - Gerald & Nick Copsey


 Prize winners (& family): courtesy Tom Stewart

Burghfield gill winners




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