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Name: The Cats Whiskers

Design: Cheshire Cat

Designer: Michael Jackson

Year built: 1975

Build type: Professional

Builder: Impact Boats

Construction: Four planker

Hull type: Single Bottom


The life of N2855 The Cats Whiskers. Design: Cheshire Cat, designed by: Michael Jackson in 1973

fiona taylor bullmore (Guest)

We owned this boat in the late seventies/early eighties. It was a very quick boat on the Thames (Desborough). It was sold in 1981 when we bought a Crusader.
She was red during our ownership.
Fiona Taylor Bullmore

Anja Colley (Guest)

My father owned this boat during the eighties, possibly bought from previous poster, and sailed on Ardleigh Reservior near Colchester.  She was still red when sold around 1990.

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